Saturday , 27 July 2024
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About us

Don of web is a technology portal run and managed by Rajeel under the pseudo name ‘Don’. The website has been one of the most popular tech blogs, but due to the untimely google algorithm updates, lack of time and some other personal reasons Don had been away from blogging for quite some time. Since then the pages is not regularly updated and the low frequency rate also had affected the blog.

We hope the contents that we provide you has been of some help for you. If it was, we are honoured. If it wasn’t, do let us know what we could do to make it better.

We always look foreward for your feedbacks.


Thanks and cheers


NB: You can read about the author in details in here


  1. Hey Rajeel Kp. Am from kerala studying in 11th Grade In oman. hey i wanna more about you ? Can I Chat with you ? Thank you

  2. Hey Done. Added you . I messaged you back.

  3. Hey How You learn to edit blogger template ?

  4. Athul @Juniorhero

    Your blog is cool. you are originally from which part of Kerala? I am Athul, chief blogger at Juniorhero

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