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Home » blogging » New Arthemia blogger Template – Modified version of the Old Arthemia Blogger Template

New Arthemia blogger Template – Modified version of the Old Arthemia Blogger Template

As You all know, Arthemia is one of the most popular template in the blogosphere, even it is blogger or WP.So, The Designer of this theme had updated this for many times, based on the new trends and style.But what about it’s Blogger Version ? It stands still in its older version, Which is not at all a professional one.So, I decided to make a new version of this theme, based on the current WP theme, Which inclucdes all the special widets like featured-post, middle catogary bar etc., which where not there on it’s older versions.

The new theme also had got the style and simplicity of the theme and much more.I had done my best on converting this.So, I can surely say that it’s jut as the wordpress theme michel created.

  1. Two/Three columns depend on your customization
  2. Proffessional Design with magazine style
  3. Built-in search box
  4. Nice Drop-down menu
  5. Three footer widgets
  6. Banner ad ready (468×60, big banner ad)
  7. Headline Section to enlight your Top-post
  8. Featured posts section to show off your featured posts
  9. Nice label graphic above the posts
  10. Built-in Tag cloud
  11. Compatible for Mozilla – all version
  12. Compatible for IE 8 and 7. Also compatible for IE 6!!

You Can See The WordPress Demo and blogger Demo From Here and compare them.

WordPress demo | Blogger Demo

If you Loved This Theme, You Can Download It For Free From Here ;-


Download from Server #1

1.Head-line Widget

Consider It as A Text-Widget and Just Type in a summery of your post here. You can post HTML codes too here.To post Image  in this widgets ;-

<img style=”width: 286px; height: 234px;” src=”Your-IMAGE-URL” class=”right” />

Change The Text Your-IMAGE-URL to the Link of your Image.Or you can post image with any Type of HTML tags but remember to give a class=”right” to the code before it ends.

To Make It more User friendly, we had Widgitized the Both the featured widgets with text boxes/.

2.Featured post

Featured box is too a Text/HTML Widget – You can edit and Use These codes for each section of the featured post.

<a href=”Your-Post-URL” rel=”bookmark” title=”Your-Post-Title.”>     <img  src=”Your-Image-URL” class=”left” height=”65″ width=”100″ />

<a href=”Your-Post-URL” class=”title” rel=”bookmark”>Your-Post-Title

A Short sentence about your post


I think you will be familiar with editing this.Even though, let me explain the procedure.In the HTML  code section, you will find these codes ;-

  • <a href=’‘>About Me
    • <a href=’‘>My Blog
    • <a href=’‘>e-mail
    • <a href=’‘>Contact me
  • <a href=’‘>Subscribe

In this code, Replace the Code in Red with your link, and the codes in blue with your title.

Now still if you want any information regarding the installation or set-up of this template – Feel free to contact me or ask it through the comment form – Which others too can see 🙂

I am doing this work and donating you this template for free.I just thought it as a free service.But I think it’s your manners To make a little donation to a social work, and support it to stay as  long as they could. so, if you loved this work, You could Proudly say a ‘Thank You’ to me by donating me your little donations.

About Rajeel

I'm Rajeel, a teen blogger from India who loves computers, sports, internet and all other kind of tech stuffs. This blog thing is one of my favourite hobby and the one that eats up much of my time. But Really, I'm loving it :) Find me in G+


  1. Thanks for the new version! Love it. I have everything working except for the headline and feature.

    I thought posts tagged as “Headline” or “Featured” are supposed to automatically appear at the top of the template?

  2. Thnx man,

    but u know, if i tagg it as automatic, then if you post a large post on featured, you could only get the first little part of your post there.

    but, When it as a text widget, you could simply add a entire summery of the post (even if it is small or large) with a post.That;s why i made it as a text/HTML widget.I had made it very user friendly , while on other themes, you have to add the post by edititing the HTML codes.

  3. nice work, man! well done!!!

  4. dude can i get the instructions of installing this template

  5. That’s very good job.

    Can you give code for headline and featured. ?t will usefull.

  6. @ Administrator

    I had Posted Them Dude – Have a look !

  7. @ Ali

    Dear friend – I’m sorry that i forgot to post about the installation of the featured post.Any way – Now I had included it in the same post.Have a look.

    Thanks For Your kind feedback 🙂

  8. Hi,

    There is problem with the template on blogger, that is after uploading the template we can move the move the boxes on the “Page Element”, and while moving one and saving to see the notification on the blog it says that a ” bX-gcjf62 ” error occurs, Please your help me

    Your help will be most appreciated.


  9. I found that problem in my template too.I had added all codes correctly.Tll i’m getting the error.I had complained it in blogger help.I’ll clear it as soon as i get a replay from them

  10. For some reason I can’t get any pictures to work in the “headline” text box, am I missing something?

  11. As I told, the headline widget is just a text widget.plz tell me how you had added the picture.
    The best way to add picture there is add a code
    &lt img src=’your-image-url’ &gt

    or if you want it more easily, then go to create a post tab – write everything you want to write on as a post and after you had done, DON’T PUBLISH it.Just rotate the post to ‘HTML View’ and copy the code of everything u wrote there and their formats.Paste it directly to the headline widget and you can see it working as the best.

  12. Dear Rajeel, thanks a lot for your kind comment..

  13. hello… hapi blogging… have a nice day! just visiting here….

  14. Hi..

    Nice job but i think it still same problem. I used Arthemia template for my blog

    The problem is everytime i make a change in widget, like xchange position, always GALAT !!

    I tried using with your arthemia new version and still same, GALAT !!

    Galat Code is same too bX-817s18

    Arthemia i used on top body post available Add a Gadget, but why u delete it?? It will more hard if people use this template and want to add gadget on top body post

    Maybe you can add a gadget below the body post. It will more usefull for people who use this template.

  15. This template is very cool and I love it. However you have ‘Read the Full Story’ at the end of each post, all my posts are long and it’s silly to click read the full story when they already are. Is there any way to shorten my posts to when they click read the full story it will take them from a summary on the main page to the full post?

    I’ve tried everything ahhhh need help please!

  16. Hi Rajeel,

    this is a fantastic template! Thank you so much!
    But since the whole html world is still new to me I have some questions:

    Even though I renamed the categories Im still directed to you template’s link content. How do I change that?

    In the headline Id like to put the image on the left side, with the size u have in your demo -what size is that?Cause it is not the one u mentioned above(u also put it on the ride side with that code)

    And it s such a beginner’s question:
    Where in the html can I change the backround and font colour?

    Hope you can help me with that!
    Best regards!

  17. @ ireng_ajah

    If you want to add an ‘add a gadget’ option in your blogger template, then change the -showaddelements- code to yes.i.e, ;-


  18. @ Lara

    For Changing the URL of the Labels , just change the code the url [’] in this code by your label URL ;-

    The code in the Template ;—

  19. What about the widgets at the bottom of the template? They’re not working on mine at all.

  20. I havn’t customized them, you have to add theme your own.

  21. @Rajeel, thanks for that.

    But, the recent comments and recent posts widget that you built-in, when opened, do not allow me to insert code. A window opens and says “Configure feed.” I’ve already setup the feed for my blog, too. Any ideas? Thanks!

  22. Hi
    Great work.
    Even I appreciate the script and theme used.
    Keep it up.


  23. Awesome template!!!!

  24. mmm kollaam …!


  26. You have done good work and I have checked your design too . Even I designed arthemia theme back in 2008 for blogger users in two different styles . Maybe you will like them too .

  27. Hi Rajeel,
    Can you please fix the “Read the full story”. It seems to be not working. Thanks in Advance.

  28. Hi Aravind,

    Please follow the link displayed here in order to add that link automatically!

  29. Aravind D Reddy

    Hi rajeel,
    I am not able to understand what to be replaced in the template code to override the already existing ‘read more’ function. Could you please mention that. Although I did some experiments by trial and error method it did not work.

  30. hello Aravind,

    i have made an version with automatic read more and thumbnail creator.You can download it from here :

    I think you would like it.Now, still if you want to remove the read more, i’ll send you a version without it.But before that make sure that you have read this post


  31. Aravind D Reddy

    Thanks a lot Rajeel for modifying the template on my request and also write a post to explain more about the hack. The “read more” is working fine now. I truly appreciate your helpfulness.

  32. Rajjel, please, please can I have this new version with automatic read more and thumbnail creator in a .XML file and not in .ARM.


    Thank you and regards – Talín

  33. Give me your e-mail ID talin, then i can sent it to you as XML.

  34. Thank you very much Rajeel: brezmes at
    Regards – Talín

  35. Hi Rajeel
    Up to now, I do not have receibed the .XML file.Have you send it?
    Thanks again and regards.

  36. i havn’t got your e-mail Id friend.Anyway, i had attached it in an download it from there ;-

  37. When you go into edit layout and then choose to configure inline ads that are supposed to show up after x-amount of posts, the ads do not show up at all. Any ideas? Thanks.

  38. @ anonymous

    Ask in The forums of that ads site.I don’t know anything about it.

  39. Hi Rajeel,

    Your template is very very good i like it

    but one problem I face
    I post in my blog (just test blog) 6 posts
    3 posts show in home page and i click for more posts right on the bottom on [2] button (your new style like wordpress replace blogger older post newer post style)its not show reaming post this message show on the screen (No posts match your query. Show all posts) please can u fix for me please…

    i want to show 10 posts on my blog not 3 posts so please fix it too

    this is a blog
    (only for test)

  40. Hi friend,

    You can simply modify it.Please refer this post and edit it yourself :

  41. First of all, Your template is so wonderful and I use it. But after I upload your template and want to change the position of widget : The Galat bX-u01hr1 comes out.

    Maybe u can help me with this problem. Thx

  42. I have the same problem, and i also love the template. Any idea on how to solve the problem?

  43. Hi! Rajeel,

    I need your help on this template.

    How to remove/edit the top right adsense ready sidebar?

    Please email to I need to have conversation with you via email.

  44. S. Vanessa Hailey

    HI! Thank you so much for making this template!

    I would like to use this without the read more function. I understand what that means for my blog by removing it.

    Is it possible to remove that feature?


  45. Non Stop Blogger

    hello Rajeel,
    I have used your template in my blog what one problem is the header nav bar rounding image disappeared all of sudden is there a way that i could a rar file of all the images and scripts so that i could upload and use for my website. So that i will not have any more issues in future.
    please help me.
    When i click on labels the post is not appearing in summary instead the entire post is getting dispalyed can you help me regarding this.

  46. hello, Rajeel this is such amazing template, I wish I knew as much as you do, now I took advantage of the template you sent to one of the guys here with the read more option ready, my only problem is my site being in spanish, So i was wonder if i could change the read more for leer mas, I would appreciate this a lot.

  47. The read more on the 2nd version was an image.Just change it with any other image – just google for it.Else you can add arrow marks or signs that communicate the idea to the readers.

  48. hi rajeel

    I need Old blogger older post newer post style please upload the Template please

  49. I finally got it working,

    thanks a lot !!

  50. hi sir… create work that u hv done… i am so liking this professional theme..

    any how.. i wanna paste 2 or 3 posts that viewed mostly with the specified size (head line box size) in my headline box AUTOMATICALY.. it can be slider image. can i do like that.. actually i am not familiar with HTML/XML. i wud be thankful if u cud help watever way posible. please.. and i apologize for removing ur details in my blog…

  51. NurseLab love this template!





  53. @Skyturns

    It’s because the server is down at smashing tips.Just search for the URL – ‘’
    – in your template and replace it with ;

    NB: THe code is now hosted on the site of one of my friends.So, Don’t worry 🙂

  54. rajeel, you are awesome thanks a lot. for the quick response.
    Just wonder, can I host the code myself in any other server in the future in case this happens again?

    by the way, do you know how to create a widget for visitors to leave a comment on your site an be listed on the front page on the sidebar, I been using but it only let write so much, I will donate to whoever help me to create this widget. maybe you can …

    reagards and thanks a lot for your amazing work…

  55. @ Sky turns,

    Yes, you can host this code in your own server anywhere.Contact me and i will provide you the code.Or just google for the code to appear.

    I’ll try my best on the widget you told.But, now i am having my mid term, i can only do it later.

  56. no problem, I will wait, good luck on your exams!!!!!!!!!!!!

  57. Hi bro. i love arthemia template. you do really great job. thanks …

  58. Hi Rajeel
    how to edit footer widgets.
    I can’t see the title after I use this template.

  59. HI Rajeel,

    I worked out the features listing… but if you can look at my site ( i would like to put 5 nice boxes for adverts above the ‘welcome’ message, which is your original HEADLINE. Then the two sides (ie features and headline) will be in a line at the bottom, and have adverts fitting in nicely. Can you help with this too? As i said, i will happily place an advert for you on my site.

    Many Thanks


  60. Hi, for the middle bar for category (5 category in the middle), whenever i click it, it will direct to the page of urs. How can I change to my own website url?


  61. @ chantal

    Contact me by mail – reji-AT-labofweb-DOT-com

    @ Lee Chon

    You have to change the URL of the tab with the links of your own have to change it on the EDIT HTML tab.Check the ‘expand widget’ box, then search for some thing like ‘’ ‘, ‘’ …………etc.

    Replace them with your own label links

    Then you can enjoy it.Contact me if you again fails in it

  62. Awesome piece ow work Rajeel!! Best I’ve ever used 🙂

    Any help with the footers would be appreciated. Can I delete it and replace with a regular body width widget box?

    Thanks for your hard work!!

  63. Hi Rajeel
    First let me thank you sincerely for the awsome job you have done. It’s brilliant. I having been experimenting with your template with little success. Could you please customise the template for right to left languages with the main part appearing on the right and the sidebars on the left. I would greatly appreciate if you could do this.

  64. Hi
    Me again. I have made a few changes and it seems to be working and yet I am stuck on some parts. I am desperate to know how I can make Recent Posts Google widget (title and text) to appear from right to left. I need it so badly and it is so principal to make my blog look neat and functional. Could you please help me. Thanks.

  65. @ harfy

    Do you mind to contact me personally ??

  66. Hi
    I sent an email to rajeelkp address (at gamil).

  67. touch the sky / kucingkuelder

    hi rajel,
    i`m using your template now at my blog . It`s great..but i have a problem when i`m trying to add new page element and rearrange them, its always cannot be save.

    how to fix it?

    thx in advance

  68. Vangile Makwakwa

    Hi great template. Thanks. I need help modifying the top header on my blog so it fits the whole page. Right now its half a page. My blog is: Any help will be appreciated

  69. Hi Rajeel, nice template but I don’t need the page-navigation-hack-for-blogger. How to take out this hack.

  70. Great Template

  71. Hi Raj,

    Can you help me add an image instead of text for me site. I think the original arthemia theme is using a picture with text underneath it as the title.





  73. nice Work.
    can You pls convert this template for blogger

  74. Hi Rajeel,
    This template is perfect for my purpose. Great job in making it more user-friendly.

    Btw, how do I increase the size of the font of the labels, tags, and posts? I find the font size too small for me. Im getting old

  75. Yes , It’s great theme , I’ve used it in my blogg

    but it was cool , I’ve changed a lot of things on the theme

    you can all this changes in :

    Blue arthemia template

  76. hi!

    rajeel how are you I write for downloading your template (modified Arthemia ..) is moy good one.

    it’s just not how to use the headline.

    I know you explained in your blog but the truth is I do not know much about html I’m newbies in that.

    please can you explain me how to use it in an easy way.

    please ………. and sorry for the inconvenience

    I hope your help for my email bye!

  77. I love this template. But is there a way to get it to note who authored the post?

  78. Great template!

    However i do have one issue – the labels (when clicked and viewed) do not have either clickable headers OR ‘read more’ buttons, meaning my readers are stuck unable to view posts via labels with ease.

    I’ve looked in the template but can’t seem to find anything pertaining to this so your hellllp is much appreciated – if you can find the time!

    My site is at

  79. i have added a slideshow of post check this

  80. i must say this is cool. i’m using the previous version and already change much of it..

  81. kamlesh kawadkar

    Thank you sir , you have done a gr8 job 😀

    But i think there is some problem with page navigation. When i click on 2 the next page opened is not in read more manner.

    Whole post get opened when we click on either any label or change page from page navigation.

    I have changed the var pagecount = 7

    Plzz Help me…

    you can check it at

  82. Replying to the person above me: I think the problem is in the url in the javascript. If you search the code for everywhere it says “%2B” and change it to “%3A”, that should fix the issue.

  83. The template is excellent , but I am missing something in the drop down menus , the drop down menus are not multi level , I checked the code and found that classes required for making the menu multi level is missing

    If you can provide , the missing classes then this will be the best template ever

  84. The template is excellent , but I am missing something in the drop down menus , the drop down menus are not multi level , I checked the code and found that classes required for making the menu multi level is missing

    If you can provide , the missing classes then this will be the best template ever

  85. I love the template and i made sure to read through the comments before i asked…but the readmore buttons are not showing up on my older posts. Unlike the other people i DO want mine to be shortened..but its not working. I tried readding the jump feature by editing the old posts, but that doesnt work either. What am I missing?
    My blog is

  86. I am using Arthemia Free and want to have the “read more link” under my articles, but it doesn´t work. Is it possible to use this XML file for the free version? And if so, how?

    greets, marco

  87. Hi all,

    Pls read

    I took the code from his blog. Pls make sure that u havn’t made any editing in ur theme

  88. Kamlesh Kawadkar


    thanks for help 🙂

    keep it up 😀

  89. you can try this also
    easiest way to truncate post

  90. I have to say that for the past couple of hours i have been hooked by the amazing articles on this blog.


    Prasen Dutta
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    • Hey prasanna, it’s really glad to hear that you feels my articles as amazing…. If you like them, be one of my readers 🙂





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  93. Cool template..thanks for share…

  94. Nice template.I’m gonna use it.thanx a lot again.

  95. Wow can’t believe we have this for blogger. It’s awesome! Hope to use this soon!

  96. I’ve tried by all means to insert a social bookmarking code in the post section of new arthemia template (blogger)but it’s impossible.
    anybody know how to do it?

    this is the gadget:

  97. Google said has malware. So google said my site has malware too because I am using the js file hosted by techieblogger.

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