Saturday , 27 July 2024
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Protect your facebook account from faceniff / firesheep hackers

Last day I shared the Info about the app called faceniff, which can be used from your android phone to hack your neighbour’s facebook account, through wifi network. It is easy to do so and works as both comes from same IP and one of the main drawback of faceniff and firesheep -yet another hacking utility-  is that, they can’t hack the https connection, they can only hack http connections. So that’s the point how we are going to protect your facebook account from such hackers. You don’t wanna fear them if you have an https connection. That’s the theory, in simple words, the reason. Now we can move to the procedure – the steps.

Step 1 : Go to Account  -> Account settings

Step 2: Select the Security‘ tab from the account settings page

Step 3 : On the Secure browsing section, select the ‘Edit‘ Button

How to prevent faceniff firesheep hackers from hacking your facebook account

Step 3:  Check the box that tells ‘Browse facebook on a secured connection (https) when possible‘ and select save changes

Now your Facebook account is protected from Firesheep / Faceniff hackers who hacks your account through wifi. Do this step quickly if you access your FB profile through public wifi networks and all. But don’t believe that just doing these steps could protect you from the hackers. This trick can stop just one way how they can ram into your accounts. There are tons of other doorways. Always make sure that you have a strong gatehouse there and try to lock them when needed 🙂

Take care …. !!

About Rajeel

I'm Rajeel, a teen blogger from India who loves computers, sports, internet and all other kind of tech stuffs. This blog thing is one of my favourite hobby and the one that eats up much of my time. But Really, I'm loving it :) Find me in G+


  1. Thanks a lot for this informative post. I always access all of my important accounts over a private network but I never knew that there was an option on Facebook to make it more secure. I will definitely change it to https, you may never know who may sneak onto your private network.

  2. wow, that’s scary – I guess facebook is just so big that it’s bound to become the focus of hacking (hmm sounds just like the problems with Internet Explorer lol). Anyway, at least the fix is really simple, thumbs up for posting about it!

    I wonder how long it will take facebook to officially fix the vulnerability.

  3. I have experience phishing in facebook.. I have recovered it after 3 weeks.. I found out someone was using my account.. it made my account safe for that..thanks for an informative post..

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