They had arranged a competition for all , for helping others , For helping the world.
The 10 to 100 project.
Which is a quest of Ideas.Google wants some Ideas which can change the world.
anyone from anywhere can participate in this.
Through this competition you can send your ideas to google – not for $1 or $2 , for $10 million.
You can send a number of Ideas – NO limit.
Is there any ideas coming in your mind , Which can change the world.
If yes,Don’t be silly , Submit it to Google.
$10 million is waiting for you………….Hurry…………….!!
You can submit your Ideas here.
Selected 100 Ideas will be posted here and users will be asked to vote for it, On January 27. And , Out of this 5 Ideas will be elected by the Advisory board and will be awarded.
So hurry , the deadline is on October 20.
please remember-The Idea is the thing……..Google only needs it!
The Date is over and the contest has been stopped