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Home » Google » How Google makes Their Revenue : 20 Most expensive and adsense high paying keywords

How Google makes Their Revenue : 20 Most expensive and adsense high paying keywords

The Big G – Google offers all it’s services for free. Google, Gmail, Orkut, Blogger, Picasa, Android, Google earth ….. The list goes on. This makes us ask a curious question, To generate and run all these process – which are completly free, Where does google gets it’s Profit ? How do Google makes it revenue ? How Google makes money from all these free services ??

So Actually, How does Google makes their Profit ?

There is only one answer for all these – Ads !

Google Generates their 97 % Revenues from their advertising agency called Adsense. Adsense had been ruling the Online Ad business for all time. It is always considered as the best among advertisers as well as a the publishers. Rather than other Ad agencies, Adsense serve you ads that are related to your contents and the revenue of all keywords are different.

For example, If you search google for ‘Car Insurance’ , they will bend in some ads that are related to ‘car insurance in search results’. (see the screenshot)

The marked results are advertisements

This makes adsense different as the viewers gets ads related to what they are looking for and advertisers get exactly those who are looking for them !

So, How much does Google profit per click on any advertisements ?

Adsesne deliver ads by matching the topics and keywords of the website where ads are placed. There are keywords that pay $0.01 and $10 for a single click. i.e, If you search for insurance and click on the ad about insurance, Google gets paid good, but if you search about any other least paying term, they may not get much.

So If you are a member of adsense, To be successful in adsense, you need to research on keywords. That’s why everyone search for the most paying keywords and starts writing about them.

Here is a list of the 20 Top expensive and Highest paying adsense keyword. When you search about these terms and clicks on any ad, Google gets the below mentioned amount. And …

It is estimated that Google has about 1 billion searches a day ! They must be making great profit na ….. Pretty great !!

Here is the list of Most Expensive and Top paying adsense Keywords that google makes the maximum profit ;-

  1. Insurance
  2. Loans
  3. Mortgage
  4. Attorney
  5. Credit
  6. Lawyer
  7. Donate
  8. Degree
  9. Hosting
  10. Claim
  11. Conference Call
  12. Trading
  13. Software
  14. Recovery
  15. Transfer
  16. Gas/Electricity
  17. Classes
  18. Rehab
  19. Treatment
  20. Cord Blood

Thanks to Wordstream for this infograph.

About Rajeel

I'm Rajeel, a teen blogger from India who loves computers, sports, internet and all other kind of tech stuffs. This blog thing is one of my favourite hobby and the one that eats up much of my time. But Really, I'm loving it :) Find me in G+

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