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[Fix] My Laptop Keyboard Suddenly Freeze / Stop Working and Is Not Working Properly

This problem was haunting me for the past two days and believe me it’s a real pain in the head. My Laptop Keyboard, which works without any problem stopped working all of a  sudden. The keyboard was completely dead but the buttons like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Sound Increase/Decrease were working fine. I tried restarting, As this problem had occurred before and a successful restart can solve the problem. But this time, even after I restarted the PC, The keyboard wasn’t working and I surfed all over the web for an answer. If you are here, I believe you too must be having a similar problem.

This kind of hardware issues occurs due to variety of reasons like lack of driver, Damaged device, Dust, Power errors etc. In my case, Since the keyboard was working fine till the accident i was pretty sure that the problem was not with the Drivers. I tried cleaning the keyboard and checking it completely but couldn’t found any errors in it or anything worth noticing. So I tried all the way in the web and finally got a solution. Here I’ll explain the reasons why your keyboard must had stopped working and the solution to fix it from the ‘dead’ state . 

# 1 ) The Most Common Error and the simplest FIX !

This is an error that most of all laptop users would have encountered atleast once. The keyboard cease working without any proper reason and whatever you do, It won’t start working again. You may try Updating the driver or hardware controls or whatever you do, It won’t work ! This occurs most often for laptops with touch screen facilities. This is due to the small errors in your battery or CMOS and the fix is simple.

  • Power Off the PC
  • Take Out the battery (You know to pull it out, Right  ? )
  • Put it back after 1-2 Minutes ( Take the time, Don’t be quick )
  • Restart

Boom !! This works most of the times and for almost all brands of Laptops. This is the solution that worked for me and that’s why it came #1 in here 😉

# 2) Driver Issues or Outdated drivers ;-

In most of all new operating systems, chances for this issues are too low. But still it may occur so make sure that you have checked if your drivers are updated or not. Don’t just check one or two drivers, make sure to check all the drivers as driver incompatibility of any newly installed hardware can also cause problems to keyboard. You may use the Free software like DriverScanner or DriverEasy that can easily check and update the drivers automatically.

Update the drivers and restart the systems, This Could solve the problem in many cases

#3) Clean the Keyboard

This is the Next issues with higher priority. Most of the time, the issues is due to the dust particles and dirt present on the keyboard. This could cause the keyboard to malfunction as it is unwanted and can interuptt signals and pulses on the keyboard. This problem can be easily solved by cleaning the keybard. You can clean it either as in the video below ( From Youtube, Credit goes to the creator ) or by using a “Keyboard Cleaning KIT’ – Just google the term and buy from amazon, ebay or whatever. This method of a successful cleaning can solve many problems that may had occurred due to accidents like water spilled on keyboard, Oil/Liquid spilled, Dust and dirt on keyboard etc

#4) HardWare Error ;-

If any of the above method is working, Then it is due to the hardware error of your keyboard. There could have any short circuit or burn out on your entire keyboard circuit. The best way is to take it to a technician or replace the laptop keyboard.  If none of the above method works for you, The keyboard is most probably dead. So the best way is to buy a new one and replace it. Check this video if you want to know how to replace the laptop keyboard

If you had Found any other reason why the keyboard would have possibly stopped working or any Fixes for the same, Please be kind enough to share it with us. It could be useful for a lot of users.

About Rajeel

I'm Rajeel, a teen blogger from India who loves computers, sports, internet and all other kind of tech stuffs. This blog thing is one of my favourite hobby and the one that eats up much of my time. But Really, I'm loving it :) Find me in G+


  1. I got irritated when my keyboard destroys because I can’t work fast because of this distraction. Cleaning your keyboard is not easy as what you think you need to extra careful because dust or water may get in and it will destroy it. This article helps them who didn’t know how to fix their computers. Thanks for sharing your article Rajeel. Many will love to read this especially who loves computer like you do. I will share this to my computer lover friends.

  2. your blog is good and given information is very usefull.

  3. This is why I follow this blog – great information. I am terrified of my laptop suddenly ‘dying’, and these simple ideas definitely make me feel better. I also use a keyboard cover that stops dirt and dust getting to the keyboard itself.

    Thanks, Rajeel

  4. I’m so glad I found your post, Rajeel.
    I’m suffering from a ‘slowing’ computer, and I’ve started to worry about what to do with all of the sensitive documents that I need daily access to, should I get hit with something evil.

    These are great tips, thanks.

  5. thanks a lot for sharing this article it was very useful for me keep sharing such articles

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