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How to add a 125×125 ad-spot for blogger

The main source of the income of a blogger comes from ads.Nowadays, ads are sold without any 3rd party, directly between bloggers and advertisers.The most common format of such advertising are 125×125 ads and 468×60 ads.Blogger won’t supports 125×125 ads directly, just as WP does.Due to this most of all blogger templates won’t have this section.In this post, we are gonna tell you how to create a 125×125 ad section for blogger and boost up your income.

How to add a sidebar 125×125 ad-spot / widget / ad banner widget / ad section / ad-slot for blogger ?

1 : Sign in to blogger – Edit Layout
2 : Click the ‘Add Gadget’ Button
3 : Now a new ‘Pop-up’ will loads.Select “HTML/Java script’ from it.

4 : Now we want to enter the HTML code for the widget..Add the code given Below ;

<a href=’#‘><img src=”“/> <a href=’#‘><img src=”“/>
<a href=’#‘><img src=”“/> <a href=’#‘><img src=”“/>

5. Click ‘Save’.It’s all done

Code is ready, now customize it

Here, the idea of tables is used.So, you can edt all these values easily.You see 3 differemt colours on font apart from the default color.They are Red, blue and purple.These are the parts of code that allow you to show the desired ads on your site .I gave them colour, so that you can easily identify the codes that are to be modified.

Blue – The code in blue (#) must be replaced with your target URL,i.e, the URL which you want to link to.
Purple – Source of Image.You have to replace it with the URL of the 125×125 ad image you want to show

Red – This indicates the code that is used to put the ads.You may edit it as you like (giving alts, nofollow etc)

What if you are using code of any ad networks ?

If your site is not so popular, you may find it hard to get advertisers for your blog..In such cases, you can use any ad networks like Adtoll, buysellads for finding advertisers. But most of such sites will be providing you any codes- that can track your visitors, clicks etc – which contain JavaScript in it.These codes can also be added here without any trouble.You have to replace it with the codes in colours.(means all colours including red, blue and purple.)
For eg : if you want to use a code with code of ads, replace the code with ;

<a href=’#‘><img src=”“/>

now the code looks like :

<th width=”126″ height=”126″ align=”center”&gtcode of ads

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NB:Thanks for blogger tricks for notifying us this idea

About Rajeel

I'm Rajeel, a teen blogger from India who loves computers, sports, internet and all other kind of tech stuffs. This blog thing is one of my favourite hobby and the one that eats up much of my time. But Really, I'm loving it :) Find me in G+


  1. Hello,
    I tried to do it but its not working in my blogger blog…The right images are going out of the border of blog leading to a horizontal nav bar. So I downloaded ready made templates.


  2. thanks for sharing this awesome widget.

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