Saturday , 27 July 2024
Home » blogging » Add Author photo on blog posts – Customize blogger for group blogging

Add Author photo on blog posts – Customize blogger for group blogging

Bloggeris a free blogging platform provided by Google.As it is free, itdoesn’t have much facilities like the WordPress blogs, which arepremium blogs.But Blogger gives the users the complete freedom tocustomize its code easily and just because of that we are able topractice most of all WP hacks in blogger also.Today, I’m telling youabout the hack to show the authors picture with the posttitle.This hack could be very useful for blogs running Guest Posts andGroup blogs.See the screenshot i took by enabling this hack in myblog.But.I had again disabled this hack as my blog has only one authorand there is no reason in putting my Avatar on all pages, which is notat all fit for my theme.

Step 1 : Create an Avatar For you.Refer this post for more info on that.
Step 2 : Host your Avatar on any free Image hosts and collect a link.
Step 3 : Sign in to blogger and Go to Layout -> Edit HTML -> Click on Expand Widget Templates
Step 4 : Add the Image code in your Blogger template ;
Search for this code or similar 

Now Add this code just before the

<b:if cond=’ == “Author1“‘>

<img height=’50’ src=’Author-1-image-URL‘ width=’50’/>

<b:if cond=’ == “Author2“‘>

<img height=’50’ src=’Author-2-image-URL‘ width=’50’/>

<img height=’50’ src=’Author–image-URL‘ width=’50’/>

About Rajeel

I'm Rajeel, a teen blogger from India who loves computers, sports, internet and all other kind of tech stuffs. This blog thing is one of my favourite hobby and the one that eats up much of my time. But Really, I'm loving it :) Find me in G+


  1. hey rajeel ..nice tutorial for blogger users to display author image ..!!

    but wht about me ..i m on wordpresss ??

    i want to display author image on

  2. Hey! bro you have posted a good article..:-)
    u must use ginger spell checker app with your browser ur writng will improve.. Regards keep going my bro god bless

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