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Category Archives: Tips & Hacks

Convert WordPress theme to blogger / blogspot for Free [How to]

There are several high quality themes in wordpress, premium and free ones But in blogger, there are not much good themes. That's the main reason why people and webdesigners loves to chose the blogger templates converted from wordpress to their blogspot blog. You may have known that i had converted 2-3 wordpress themes to blogger. After that, i had got enormous number of mails asking me to convert several templates. As i'm not a pro or doesn't have much time, i would like to tell you How you can convert Wordpress templates / theme into blogger templates / themes. Read More »

How to create stylish Buttons for your blog online for free

What ? I have seen many bloggers using another bloggers images for logos, buttons etc.In my opinion, it’s a shameful activity.I have tried to stop these scoundrels from it , but they are not.I had made a post on where to find a fit and best logo for your blog.I hope that, that post has helped you to have your ... Read More »

How to add a 125×125 ad-spot for blogger

The main source of the income of a blogger comes from ads.Nowadays, ads are sold without any 3rd party, directly between bloggers and advertisers.The most common format of such advertising are 125×125 ads and 468×60 ads.Blogger won’t supports 125×125 ads directly, just as WP does.Due to this most of all blogger templates won’t have this section.In this post, we are ... Read More »

Add Author photo on blog posts – Customize blogger for group blogging

Bloggeris a free blogging platform provided by Google.As it is free, itdoesn’t have much facilities like the WordPress blogs, which arepremium blogs.But Blogger gives the users the complete freedom tocustomize its code easily and just because of that we are able topractice most of all WP hacks in blogger also.Today, I’m telling youabout the hack to show the authors picture ... Read More »

How post HTML Codes in blogger blog posts as Text

Many of my friends came asking me how to post HTML codes on their blog posts as text.I didn’t had the answer for it. I also had experienced this problem for a long time. i searched and wandered for the information regarding this.  At last I found it.I conducted a study on it and thought of posting it on my ... Read More »

No-follow and Do-follow blogs ; How to check them

Backlinks are the essential factor in the building of a blog.The Rank of your blog on the net is determined by the traffic and backlinks you have.You can earn traffic through a number of ways, but what about the backlinks ??? You will get backlinks through a number of ways like forums, from social networking sites, from similar blogs, by ... Read More »

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