Saturday , 27 July 2024
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How to Create a fan page for your website in facebook

In Facebook, you may have seen a ‘fan page’ for every big websites.Just tell the truth, Haven’t you ever imagined that it would be great if you too had such a page for your blog / website.Most probably you may have.Anyway, i have imagined it many times and i succeed on it on last week.I have created one page for my blog in facebook.Most of all newbies on facebook may be having difficulty to do this, as they don’t have much experience(me tooo).so, I just want to tell you how to do it.

Remember that, a fan page in face book can increase your value in blogosphere.It would also helps you to connect with your readers.It can also help you to know that who all loves your blog and above all, you can proudly say that i have a big community for my blog !

So, we can start

How to Create a fan page for your website in facebook

1.Log into your facebook account.
2.Go to the Fan page of Labofweb and Join in Lab-of-web as a Fan
3.After joining, just run through the page, you may see your profile pic on the Fans List
4.Below this, you will see the recent posts and just below it, you can see a ‘Create a page for my business

6.Click on it and you will be redirected to a new page which shows the options to Create a Business Page.

7.Select the ‘Brand, products or organization’ and then select ‘website’ from the drop-down menu.
8.Now Give relevant information regarding your Website and upload a photo of it.
9.Your page has been Created.Invite your Friends to join your group.
10.It’s all done, Now Promote your blog through facebook too.

About Rajeel

I'm Rajeel, a teen blogger from India who loves computers, sports, internet and all other kind of tech stuffs. This blog thing is one of my favourite hobby and the one that eats up much of my time. But Really, I'm loving it :) Find me in G+


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  2. Wow its impressive.
    I was Googling to know this trick and somehow came to your website.
    Anyway can you tell me how to W3C validate a blogger blog please.


  3. @ Rahul

    Sorry – i didn’t got what you are asking . I think there is a lot of results for this in google !

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