Saturday , 27 July 2024
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How to Post Blank Status Updates in Facebook

Facebook is the most popular time killer on the web. Well, nowadays people get bored in Facebook too. Here is an interesting trick that you can perform on your FB wall.

FB wall is the place were you inscribe and share everything you think and want to think. Many a times a well written or catchy wall post could go viral and earn tons of likes and hits. It’s  a place where you can post and share whatever you like. THe only condition is that you should post at-least something.

Then what to do when you have got nothing in your mind. Generally you can’t make a post without any text. But here is an interesting small trick for you to post blank status updates and make your friends clap out loud !

how  to post blank status updates in fb


But, How do I Post Blank Status Updates in Facebook ?

Well it’s pretty simple. Open the facebook in your pc or mobile and type in

@[0:0: ]

In your wall. Now you can see a blank status update on your wall. You may comment or tag your friends to let them notify it !!

About Rajeel

I'm Rajeel, a teen blogger from India who loves computers, sports, internet and all other kind of tech stuffs. This blog thing is one of my favourite hobby and the one that eats up much of my time. But Really, I'm loving it :) Find me in G+


  1. Thank you for the information that is so interesting. Look again for new and interesting things from you soon.

  2. It didnt worked for me …:)

    But this method worked

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